TeamSoc21 Zagreb 2018 Workshop
The workshop was held from 16th to 27th of April 2018 in Zagreb.
Where are we?
INNOSOC Zagreb 2016 Multiplier Event
Intense preparations for the INNOSOC Zagreb Workshop 2016 gave us a clue that RIGHT NOW is a perfect time to arrange a multiplier event so we can meet all of you dear supporters! The two-part event [...]
INNOSOC Presented at the CUBCCE Conference
Working closely with business stakeholders is what all good universities aspire to. The CUBCCE conference, held in Budapest, January 28-29 2016, presented a perfect opportunity to discuss the importance of university and business cooperation, to share best [...]
INNOSOC Kick-off Meeting
The INNOSOC kick-off meeting was held between 29th and 30th of October 2015 in Zagreb, Croatia. Representatives of University of Zagreb, Vedran Podobnik and Ignac Lovrek, hosted two-days steering committee meeting at the Faculty of [...]
Vedran Podobnik was a panelist at the Erasmus Energy Forum Science Day 2015
Vedran Podobnik was a panelist at the Erasmus Energy Forum Science Day 2015.