Exploring the power of connectedness
We teach students to speak the language of social network analysis.Science
What do we learn behind the curves and graphs of social networks?Technology
Social technologies make a consumer the centre of a social network universe.How close are we? Is it really ‘six degrees of separation’ between you and anyone in the world? Where is an affective context in a network of people and machines? How do we learn from social network connections? Is there a hidden common pattern between cell-to-cell, human-to-human, or galaxy-to-galaxy relations? Is it all about making groups? Is social behaviour an essence to understanding processes in, between and around people? How do we embed social behaviour into machine-to-machine friendly behaviour? Is massive social networking the key to making a new generation of artificial intelligence? Have we found the real power of connectedness?Our SocialLAB research group seeks answers to the above questions. We explore connectedness in a social space of people and machines with all of its spices and shapes. We focus on the massive social networks of people and machines, their relations and pervasion. We try to learn from online human social behaviour to make such social machines and, we try to persuade machines to serve us, and not the other way around.
Gibalica – virtual fitness trainer
The final deliverable from the INNOSID project is the application "Gibalica" - a new IT tool developed based on emerging technology studies and software requirements specification delivered through earlier phases of the project. This application [...]
INNOSID closing plenary meeting
The INNOSID final meeting took place between 29th and 30th of August 2022 in Budapest, Hungary. The purpose of the meeting was to close the project by reviewing the overall project and to disseminate the [...]
INNOSID Santarem Multiplier Event Completed Successfully!
The INNOSID multiplier event in Santarem at the IPSantarém, Higher School of Education was held successfully on 30 May 2022. Professor Maria Potes Barbas presented an overview of the INNOSID project. Then, student João Alves presented [...]
In the media
Poziv studentima za sudjelovanje na dvotjednoj internacionalnoj TeamSoc21 radionici u Valenciji (Španjolska)
Članovi ZTEL-a FER-a koordiniraju ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships projekt na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu pod nazivom “The ICT Engineer of 21st Century: Mastering Technical Competencies, Management Skills, and Societal Responsibilities (TeamSoc21)”. Projektni konzorcij čini 12 sveučilišta iz 8 europskih zemalja, dok projekt traje od [...]
TeamSoc21 Steering Committee 4th meeting
The TeamSoc21 4th steering committee was held in Valencia, Spain on 18.-19. of December. The main topic of the meeting was the workshop and the virtual mobility that are planed for the next year in Valencia - organization [...]
TeamSoc21 Multiplier event, Valencia 2018
More than 150 people attended the TeamSoc21 multiplier event The TeamSoc21 Multiplier event was held on 18th and 19th of December in Valencia (Spain). The event was in its whole hosted by Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de [...]