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The end of the second week of the TeamSoc21 workshop also marks the end of the workshop in its entirety. The second week was filled with more technical lectures than the first weekend, all the way from Quantum Cryptography, over the 3D Printing, to the Electromobility.

Besides the lectures, second week was more intensive in terms of active participation from our students. Firstly, they held pitch presentation of their product and/or service, and secondly, they presented their start-up plan and entrepreneurial case.

On the closing ceremony, held by project coordinator Jurica Babic, multiple awards were given for the following categories: best pitch presentation, best start-up plan, best final presentation, best Facebook influencer, and best Instagram influencer. Last two categories are especially interesting since if you follow #teamsoc21 on both Instagram and Facebook, you can see what was going on for those two weeks in Valencia.

Lastly, a comment from one of our participants (M.S.) about the second week of the TeamSoc21 workshop:
“Second week of TeamSoc21 was much more practical then the first one. We had a couple of chances to improve our presentation skills with explaining our ideas in certain areas and receiving feedback on our performances. On the other hand, we have connected a lot on a personal level because we had more free time than during the first week.”

By | 2019-05-17T13:12:51+00:00 May 17th, 2019|TEAMSOC|

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