Issues and Challenges of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability in the ICT Sector
Lutz Buechner
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility; Sustainability; Innovation; Responsibility of the ICT Industry; Societal Responsibility; European Society
H2020 challenge: Societal challenges – Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective society
Knowledge and skills (P: prerequisite; D: desirable, but not necessary): interdisciplinary interest for economic issues (P); interest for general approach to innovative ICT (P); interest for development of the EU (D); interest for global correlations (D); being aware that the students are developing their future and are responsible for the next generations (P)
- the concept of needs, in particular the essential needs of the world’s poor, to which overriding priority should be given; and
- the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment’s ability to meet present and future needs.
The ICT sector is a major driver for growth and innovation in Europe. Around 5% of the total European GDP and 20% of productivity growth in the other sectors is related to the ICT sector. The share of ICT services is 80%, while 20% of the sector’s turnover is caused by ICT manufacturing.
ICT is a young, complex, growing and dynamic sector. From the perspective of sustainable development there is less attention paid to this industry then there is to other manufacturing industries such as automotive, energy, transport. Research has revealed, that there are major problems in the production of ICT hardware and the development of ICT software [2].
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability are terms which are used around the globe but nobody really knows what it is about and how we are affected by them. Climate change, biodiversity, natural resources and many other topics can be subsumed under these terms.
To explain the dimension it is necessary to understand that both vertically (human beings, corporations, governments) and horizontally (family, community, region, state, global society) it is clear that “something” has to be done.
Five INNOSOC students, supervised by two INNOSOC lecturers, will collaborate on finding the relationships (e.g., from the perspective of challenges, chances and risks) between ICT as such and all relevant actors impacting the sustainable development, by analysing their responsibility towards individuals as well as regional and global societies [3]. These activities will be conducted as a part of the ERASMUS+ blended mobility and will be finalized during the INNOSOC Zagreb 2016 workshop in late April 2016.
Not only Europe but Europe at its first faces huge challenges in reducing inequality and social exclusion. Around 80 million people are at risk of poverty and 14 million young people are not in education, employment or training. We have not yet overcome the economic crisis which has led to unemployment rates of 12% in general and 20% among the youth.
This is why Europe has not only to develop new ideas, strategies and governance structures for overcoming the crisis in Europe, but has to take the responsibility for other underdeveloped parts of the world as well. Inequity is not a European phenomenon but a global one. This is why Europe has a cross-border responsibility.
In order meet these challenges the actors of the ICT sector have to take responsibility for the natural resources, the climate, poverty, employment, education and training, living conditions and others. They have to build up a credible social responsibility and develop Corporate Sustainability Management systems.
This is why while studying innovative technical ideas and projects it is important to understand the general theoretical background of innovative solutions.
Further information you will find here:
- Adams, W.M. (2006). “The Future of Sustainability: Re-thinking Environment and Development in the Twenty-first Century.” Report of the IUCN Renowned Thinkers Meeting, 29–31 January 2006. Retrieved on: 2009-02-16.
Questions that need answers
- What is the meaning and the importance of ICT in today’s world?
- Why is Sustainability a key issue in the ICT sector in general?
- Which key elements of ICT play which role in the sustainability debate?
- What are the challenges and risks of innovative ICT?
- Which role plays social responsibility for the actors involved in ICT?
- Which ICT tools can help to solve social problems in Europe and globally?
- Corporate Sustainable and social Responsibility of ICT companies – Sincerity or Greenwashing?
Case study supervisors

Lutz Buechner
Steering Committee Member, Lecturer
Case study students

András Erdős
INNOSOC 2016 Student

Maja Stupalo
INNOSOC 2016 Student

Tomas Koctur
INNOSOC 2016 Student