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Zagreb 2018 Workshop 2019-10-29T13:25:09+00:00

TeamSoc21 Zagreb 2018 Workshop

The workshop was held from 16th to 27th of April 2018 in Zagreb.

Workshop in Zagreb will begin in:




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3004, 2019

    TeamSoc21 Workshop in Valencia 2019

    By | April 30th, 2019|Categories: Events, TEAMSOC|Comments Off on TeamSoc21 Workshop in Valencia 2019

    The beginning of the TeamSoc21 workshop in Valencia is scheduled to begin next monday, 6 May 2019. Our organizing team worked hard to make everything possible and ready for all participants. More information on event can [...]

    1801, 2019

      Poziv studentima za sudjelovanje na dvotjednoj internacionalnoj TeamSoc21 radionici u Valenciji (Španjolska)

      By | January 18th, 2019|Categories: Media about us, TEAMSOC|Comments Off on Poziv studentima za sudjelovanje na dvotjednoj internacionalnoj TeamSoc21 radionici u Valenciji (Španjolska)

      Članovi ZTEL-a FER-a koordiniraju ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships projekt na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu pod nazivom “The ICT Engineer of 21st Century: Mastering Technical Competencies, Management Skills, and Societal Responsibilities (TeamSoc21)”. Projektni konzorcij čini 12 sveučilišta iz 8 europskih zemalja, dok projekt traje od [...]

      2012, 2018
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      TeamSoc21 Steering Committee 4th meeting

      By | December 20th, 2018|Categories: Media about us, TEAMSOC|Comments Off on TeamSoc21 Steering Committee 4th meeting

      The TeamSoc21 4th steering committee was held in Valencia, Spain on 18.-19. of December. The main topic of the meeting was the workshop and the virtual mobility that are planed for the next year in Valencia - organization [...]

      2012, 2018
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      TeamSoc21 Multiplier event, Valencia 2018

      By | December 20th, 2018|Categories: Media about us, TEAMSOC|Comments Off on TeamSoc21 Multiplier event, Valencia 2018

      More than 150 people attended the TeamSoc21 multiplier event The TeamSoc21 Multiplier event was held on 18th and 19th of December in Valencia (Spain). The event was in its whole hosted by Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de [...]

      812, 2018
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      TeamSoc21 on KA203 workshop

      By | December 8th, 2018|Categories: Media about us, TEAMSOC|Comments Off on TeamSoc21 on KA203 workshop

      Our project manager Jurica Babic, together with project coordinator Vedran Podobnik attended KA203 workshop that was held on 7th December 2018 at Hotel Dubrovnik, Zagreb (Croatia). The aim of the workshop was to encourage partnerships [...]

      910, 2018
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      Our project manager Jurica Babić attended seminar in Łódź where he introduced the TeamSoc21 project

      By | October 9th, 2018|Categories: TEAMSOC|Comments Off on Our project manager Jurica Babić attended seminar in Łódź where he introduced the TeamSoc21 project

      Project manager Jurica Babić attended seminar titled „Innovate your teaching through the methods like gamification, e-learning, design thinking, project based learning, use of new technologies in higher education“ which was held from 26th to 29th of [...]