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April 2016

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INNOSOC Zagreb 2016 Workshop – First Week Report

By | April 22nd, 2016|Categories: INNOSOC, Zagreb 2016|

Hard-work from students and lecturers during virtual mobility set the tone for the next step: a physical mobility. Namely, the first-ever INNOSOC Workshop was held from 18th to 29th of April 2016 in Zagreb, Croatia. [...]

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February 2016

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More than 125 People Attended the INNOSOC Public Presentation

By | February 19th, 2016|Categories: INNOSOC|

The first INNOSOC Multiplier Event was held on 19 February 2016 in Zagreb, Croatia. The morning programme was held at the University of Zagreb Rector’s Office while the afternoon session was hosted by the [...]

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Second INNOSOC Steering Committee Meeting

By | February 19th, 2016|Categories: INNOSOC|

The second steering committee (SC) meeting was held between 18th and 19th of February 2016 in Zagreb, Croatia. Vedran Podobnik and Ignac Lovrek, hosts of the second SC meeting, had fruitful discussions with other SC members, [...]

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January 2016

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INNOSOC Presented at the CUBCCE Conference

By | January 29th, 2016|Categories: INNOSOC|

Working closely with business stakeholders is what all good universities aspire to. The CUBCCE  conference, held in Budapest, January 28-29  2016, presented a perfect opportunity to discuss the importance of university and business cooperation, to share best [...]

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October 2015