Hard-work from students and lecturers during virtual mobility set the tone for the next step: a physical mobility. Namely, the first-ever INNOSOC Workshop was held from 18th to 29th of April 2016 in Zagreb, Croatia. The majority of students arrived one day before the start of the INNOSOC Zagreb 2016 workshop. Most of them arrived by aeroplane, but some of them used a train or a car as well. Right from the start, students have shown the great amount of motivation and curiosity about the first week’s lectures.

Perhaps not surprising, students took the advantage of communication and intercultural exercises performed by Catherine Sable and Alison Gourves to get to know each other. In a nutshell, the first week was packed with nine INNOSOC lectures which covered the essential topics on innovation and ICT.

Apart from the intensive programme, both INNOSOC students and lecturers enjoyed Tuesday evening by having a dinner organised at the Hostel Bureau. On Wednesday, students visited the newest data centre in T-Hrvatski Telekom company and they had a wonderful dinner (organised by Croatian students) afterwards.

By | 2017-04-24T15:38:35+00:00 April 22nd, 2016|INNOSOC, Zagreb 2016|

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INNOSOC Web & Social Media Administrator
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