About Jurica Babic

INNOSOC Web & Social Media Administrator

INNOSOC Zagreb 2016 Workshop – Second Week Report

By | 2017-04-24T15:38:35+00:00 April 29th, 2016|INNOSOC, Zagreb 2016|

The second and final week of the INNOSOC 2016 Zagreb Workshop kicked off right after the successful first week and after the weekend packed with social events. Eight lectures on important topics such as corporate sustainability, STEM, assisted living and smart transportation allowed students to broaden their knowledge on how they can positively impact the society as [...]

INNOSOC Zagreb 2016 Workshop – Weekend Report

By | 2017-04-24T15:38:35+00:00 April 24th, 2016|INNOSOC, Zagreb 2016|

The first week of the INNOSOC 2016 Zagreb Workshop has swiftly come to an end. Luckily, this rather intensive but nevertheless exciting period was just a preamble to a weekend loaded with lively social events. On Saturday, students and lecturers visited Plitvice Lakes National Park (UNESCO's World Heritage) which is amongst Croatia's most popular [...]

INNOSOC Zagreb 2016 Workshop – First Week Report

By | 2017-04-24T15:38:35+00:00 April 22nd, 2016|INNOSOC, Zagreb 2016|

Hard-work from students and lecturers during virtual mobility set the tone for the next step: a physical mobility. Namely, the first-ever INNOSOC Workshop was held from 18th to 29th of April 2016 in Zagreb, Croatia. The majority of students arrived one day before the start of the INNOSOC Zagreb 2016 workshop. Most of them arrived [...]

More than 125 People Attended the INNOSOC Public Presentation

By | 2017-04-24T15:38:35+00:00 February 19th, 2016|INNOSOC|

The first INNOSOC Multiplier Event was held on 19 February 2016 in Zagreb, Croatia. The morning programme was held at the University of Zagreb Rector’s Office while the afternoon session was hosted by the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. More than 125 people listened to presentations of leading Croatian experts [...]

Second INNOSOC Steering Committee Meeting

By | 2017-04-24T15:38:35+00:00 February 19th, 2016|INNOSOC|

The second steering committee (SC) meeting was held between 18th and 19th of February 2016 in Zagreb, Croatia. Vedran Podobnik and Ignac Lovrek, hosts of the second SC meeting, had fruitful discussions with other SC members, including Felipe Pernanda Foix, Marta Meszaros and Lutz Buchner as well as with visiting staff member Jana Uramova from Slovakia. The [...]

INNOSOC Zagreb 2016 Multiplier Event

By | 2017-04-24T15:38:35+00:00 February 12th, 2016|INNOSOC|

Intense preparations for the INNOSOC Zagreb Workshop 2016 gave us a clue that RIGHT NOW is a perfect time to arrange a multiplier event so we can meet all of you dear supporters! The two-part event will take place on 19/02/2016 (Friday), from 09:30, at University of Zagreb Rector’s Office, Trg marsala Tita 14, Zagreb. More [...]

INNOSOC Presented at the CUBCCE Conference

By | 2017-04-24T15:38:35+00:00 January 29th, 2016|INNOSOC|

Working closely with business stakeholders is what all good universities aspire to. The CUBCCE  conference, held in Budapest, January 28-29  2016, presented a perfect opportunity to discuss the importance of university and business cooperation, to share best practices and to discuss successful projects in Central and East European countries. Apart with regular presenters, the quality of the event [...]

INNOSOC Kick-off Meeting

By | 2017-04-24T15:38:35+00:00 October 30th, 2015|INNOSOC|

The INNOSOC kick-off meeting was held between 29th and 30th of October 2015 in Zagreb, Croatia. Representatives of University of Zagreb, Vedran Podobnik and Ignac Lovrek, hosted two-days steering committee meeting at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. In what proved to be a very successful and productive event, visiting staff members Birgit Graf, [...]

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