SmARt Help
Marianna Zichar & Ildiko Papp
Product Vision Statement
This product is design to give a help in not forgetting details about things that are surrounding us and their maintaining or usage require specific information.
At home we are surrounded by different kind of objects that finally belong to our home and give the feeling of comfort. But these things’ nature can be rather different, and living with them or using them require some information that should not have been forgotten.
For example, potted plants have to be watered, but differently; metal cannot be put into the microwave owen, vacuum cleaner should be cleaned regularly, etc. The application helps to remember these important information in an exciting way using AR.
Target customers are all individuals who have difficulties with remember lots of information.
Product is intended to improve social inclusion of people with Down Syndrome or elderly people.
The product solves the challenge of social inclusion of people with Down syndrome. It helps them to remember details related to objects around them. At the same time elderly people could benefit from the product as well.
When a new object has come to the household, its important information can be saved, and later can be retrieved any time when needed. At the same time the user can play simple games to develop his/her memories.
The product is a multi-platform application (Windows PC and Android). On the main application screen, the user can select one of the following options:
(i) Record or edit new info,
The user can record or edit information and generate a marker
(ii) Get info,
The markers are placed on objects we have recorded information. The app read the marker and provide the information on the screen.
(iii) Game.
After reading a marker a question is asked that should be answered by the user. Because of the diversity of information some AI also could be used to generate simple questions either with 3 answers, or the answer should be typed.
The rate of customization makes the product very attractive. AR-based components build a real bridge between the physical objects and the stored information. It could work as a personal assistant. All of the above features distinguish this product.
It is feasible to develop this product as it is a software product which can be developed on any PC with medium-range specifications.
The company could generate some predefined information in a simple form about his products. This information could be accessed from a cloud, and even the markers could be attached to the product. Even user manuals could have a simplified version to provide help with pictures. Besides, the company should provide necessary equipment and a budget plan for software maintenance. If possible, company should also provide a group of testers that are among the target audience, i.e., people with Down Syndrome, as well as any other potential consumer.
If the products of a company had such a complimentary service for people with disabilities, their products would be more popular among the PWD, and maybe among their relatives as well. It could a way to increase the social responsibility of the company.
Case study students

Mariana Rei
INNOSID Dubrovnik 2021 Student

Ivan Sentić
INNOSID Dubrovnik 2021 Student

Ainoa Gines Herrera
INNOSID Dubrovnik 2021 Student

Waleed Elrefaei
INNOSID Dubrovnik 2021 Student

Iva Barišić
INNOSID Dubrovnik 2021 Student