Szechenyi Istvan University
The university serves and will serve the economy and society of the city and the area with the continuous expansion of the educational spectrum. At our university the students can choose subjects from other programmes and can study simultaneously two undergraduate programmes. An economics student can enrich his/her knowledge by listening in on law or engineering subjects. In addition to the twelve thousand students attending the university full time there are five thousand students learning in correspondence courses and distant learning courses. Most recently we have begun to offer e-distant learning courses.
Students Zagreb 2018
Peter Koncz
TeamSoc21 Zagreb2018 Student
Tamas Horvath
TeamSoc21 Zagreb2018 Student
Peter Gulyas
TeamSoc21 Zagreb2018 Student

Peter Koncz
TeamSoc21 Zagreb2018 Student

Tamas Horvath
TeamSoc21 Zagreb2018 Student

Peter Gulyas
TeamSoc21 Zagreb2018 Student
Students Valencia 2019
Anna Gonter
TeamSoc21 Valencia2019 Student
Daniel Robert Slezak
TeamSoc21 Valencia2019 Student
David Gabora
TeamSoc21 Valencia2019 Student

Anna Gonter
TeamSoc21 Valencia2019 Student

Daniel Robert Slezak
TeamSoc21 Valencia2019 Student

David Gabora
TeamSoc21 Valencia2019 Student
How do we innovate at our University?The University provides a unique and innovative training students with high-level, valuable, professional, and practical education, in addition research activity in the region, which serves primarily the engineering focused production activities.
How do we use ICT to tackle societal challenges?The University – in accordance with the traditions – pursues predominantly applied research. Particular attention is paid to ICT research activities that are multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary projects, which have a social and economic aspect to them and deal with critical problems.
How do we promote intercultural environment?The university have established a working educational and research co-operation with more than 150 European institutions of higher education, and industrial partners and with numerous international partnerships outside Europe. The University welcomes cca. 500 foreign students.