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NEWS 2018-02-23T22:01:39+00:00

Latest news on TeamSoc21…

October 2018

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TeamSoc21 Steering Committee 3rd meeting

By | October 3rd, 2018|Categories: TEAMSOC|

The TeamSoc21 3rd steering committee was held in Brest, France on 20.-22. of September. The first phase of the meeting was to discuss statistics and comments from the participants of TeamSoc21 workshop in Zagreb that was held [...]

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May 2018

    Dissemination, sustainability and impact in Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships in Higher Education

    By | May 24th, 2018|Categories: TEAMSOC|

    TeamSoc21 project manager, Jurica Babic, attended transnational cooperation activity: "Dissemination, sustainability and impact in Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships in Higher Education" that was held in Bonn, Germany (16.-17.05.2018.). On that highly interactive workshop, he held a public [...]

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    April 2018

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    TeamSoc21 workshop in Zagreb 2018 – End of the second week

    By | April 28th, 2018|Categories: TEAMSOC|

    TeamSoc21 workshop in Zagreb has officially ended with the second week.  The second week of the workshop was dominated with mostly technical lectures. Participants learned about the impact of 3D printers and modelling. Those interesting lectures, relevant to one of [...]

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    TeamSoc21 workshop in Zagreb 2018 – Weekend

    By | April 23rd, 2018|Categories: TEAMSOC|

    After the end of very productive first week of the workshop, participants are given one free day on Saturdey to work on their enterpreneurial cases as they were instructed by their supervisors. As the Saturday [...]

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    TeamSoc21 workshop in Zagreb 2018 – End of the first week

    By | April 21st, 2018|Categories: TEAMSOC|

    After the virtual mobility phase, second, physical mobility phase of entrepreneurial case study development has started with the workshop held in Zagreb, Croatia from 16th to 27th of April. The workshop started with the opening ceremony held [...]

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      Jutarnji List reports on TeamSoc21 Multiplier Event

      By | April 4th, 2018|Categories: TEAMSOC|

      Newspaper Jutarnji List, in its attachment Universitas, reported about the TeamSoc21 Multiplier event. More about the article can be found in physical copy year IX. number 101. date: 30 March 2018

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